
Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

  • Icon GRABNER; M. (2017): WerkHolz, Eigenschaften und historische Nutzung 60 mitteleuropäischer Holzarten

    Verlag Kessel


  • Icon GRABNER, M., WEBER, A., MAYER, K., WÄCHTER, E., NEMESTOTHY, S. (2016): Holzartenauswahl – Ein Vergleich historischer Literatur mit Analysen in Museen

    Vortrag an der Tagung: Holz in der Vormoderne. Werkstoff, Wirkstoff, Kunststoff. Krems, Österreich, September 28-30, 2016

  • Icon MAYER, K., GRABNER, M. (2016): Beech wood compared to other hardwoods - properties and utilization, past and modern.

    Presentation at the 4th Workshop “Historical Wood Utilization”, Sentrupert, Slovenia, June 13-17, 2016

  • Icon GRABNER, M., WEBER, A., MAYER, K., NEMESTOTHY, S., WÄCHTER, E. (2016): Beech in historical literature.

    Presentation at the 4th Workshop “Historical Wood Utilization”, Sentrupert, Slovenia, June 13-17, 2016

  • Icon GRABNER, M., MAYER, K., WÄCHTER, E., NEMESTOTHY, S., KLEIN, A. (2016): Characterization of Central European Tree- and Shrub species – Analyses of museum objects, historical literature and modern testing.

    Presentation at the Meeting of the International Academy of Wood Science (IAWS), Paris, France, June 1-3, 2016

  • Icon GRABNER, M. (2016): Historical Wood Utilization: How to rediscover lost knowledge?

    ? Presentation at the congress: Old and New Worlds. The global challenges of Rural History. International Conference, Lisbon 27-30 January 2016, Portugal: 101

  • Icon GRABNER, M., KLEIN, A. (2014): Utilization of different Austrian wood species in past times – Knowledge for the future!?

    !? Presentation at the IUFRO World Congress, Salt Lake City, USA, October 5th-11th 2014

Schulische Abschlussarbeiten

  • Icon SCHÖFMANN, M./POSCH, M.: Selten genutzte Holzarten.

    HTL Mödling, Mödling, 2015 (Diplomarbeit)