
Expanding Characters – Using Text

One of the main goals at the commercial school at the Federal Institute for The Blind (= Bundes-Blindenerziehungsinstitut) is word processing. Students will have advantages, if they are able to use a program which will enable faster writing. Therefore, a program will be created which will expand keyed abbreviations to words and sentences in an additional window. This program will be usable for blind, visually impaired and sighted persons.


  • After a short time of learning a few abbreviations the students should be able to write down short notes
  • Later they should use CharEx to write down longer texts


  • Beginning of programming and assigning abbreviations to words with high frequency
  • Writing down short notes, later short texts
  • Writing down longer texts, counting the number of key strokes and the number of errors
  • Using expanded texts in other programs
  • Using abbreviations for phrases
  • Project documentation

This project has been completed.