Integration Needs Values

Which Values do People "Need" for Successful Social Integration?

What does "integration" mean to a great-grandmother in a little mountain village and what does it mean to a Chechen refugee child? What is the effect of the interplay between origin, culture, circumstances, fate and the values of a person? How different are the expectations of the people with immigrant backgrounds from those of the host society? Dealing with such issues will help to answer the research question: Which values do people "need" for successful social integration? This "need" should show both perspectives: What values does the person himself/herself need and what does he/she need from others?

The answers were intended to create an awareness of the importance of integration and its perception as a reciprocal process. Essential values of the people involved were explored and their relevance for successful social integration was identified. People of both sides had their say in order to find conditions to dissolve the differences and create a vision of a common community, accepting diversity at least as a matter of course and maybe even as a source of enrichment.

Main emphasis was a qualitative investigation in which on the one hand biographies of people in different temporal and legal migration stages were investigated. This was carried out in the form of open, thematically structured interviews in personal contact and in letter form. On the other hand, the expectations and opinions of the people of the host country were included. Expert conversations (people in support places, psychologists and others), inspections (visiting refugee homes) and the analysis of information about migration, integration and values were part of the basic enquiry work.

This project has been completed.